Dr. Raoul G. de la Serna, M.D.

medical practitioner, internal medicine

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Talking about change

I am constantly thinking about change. I feel that everything seems not to be moving at all, as though stuck in mud. It could be that my mind is moving so much faster than the rest of the universe or at least this world and I cannot get what I want. Hey, I never thought of it that way. I could be on to something here.

It could be that my mind is moving so fast that I begin to feel that everything else is not moving at all. This is a wonderful thought and I should be able to find some wonderful use for it. I have just seen the effects of an experiment and it is almost instantaneous.

What does this purport? I could just be fooling myself but that idea would not be true at all.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

In Cagayan de Oro City

I have been planting bananas in Cagayan de Oro and this has been an edifying experience for me. When I think of it, I don't really want to do the old things that didn't have any more meaning for me. Going to other people's homes or offices and taking their time which they could be spending with their patients or clients or family seems to me lame and tired. Still, this was what I used to do and I guess I must have changed somewhat.

I have left Cagayan de Oro City for the gentle city of Dumaguete and I appreciate the break from a routine that I have been following these past five months. I am enjoying the peace and quiet and lack of activity. I know that I will go back to the grind once I hit the city of gold once more.

So, what else is new? Nothing much but there could be a change of perspective or a change of attitude which might spell something good.

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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mind Control

A lot of what constitutes mind control concerns observation and being conscious of the thoughts that happen in the mind. There are many thought that come without being examined and these are just as powerful as conscious thoughts and to some extent may be even more powerful than conscious thought because they come without being processed by another faculty. Observing thoughts can give one an insight about oneself and one might be surprised at what will find when one does this. Examining a thought at it comes to the center stage of the mind and asking where this thought comes from might lead one to deep, forgotten energies that seek expression. Being frustrated in one thing when one is very young might generate an energy that is suppressed and never gets expressed. This energy will gather strength and when momentum is sufficiently generated, it might unleash its power on one's mind without permission. It becomes an uncontrollable urge. One has to give in.

deja vu, each, eager, ear, earache, eardrum, earhart, earl, earlobe, early, earmark, earn, earnest, earnings, earphone, earring, earshot, earth, earthen, earthenware, earthling, earthmover, earthquake, earthshaking, earthworm, ease, easel, east, easter, eastern, easy, eat, eatery, eau, eaves, eavesdrop, ebb, ebony, ebook, ebullience, eccentric, ecclesiastical, echelon, echo, eclair, email

Anyway, here's Cagayan de Oro City with another one: Cagayan de Oro City. My Cebu City site has made pr1, surprise, surprise. Dumaguete is still in the boondocks as far as Google goes but Dumaguete has made some headway. Jai Alexander rocks!

There is always: Ching's Way and Ching's Web along with Ching's Best and Ching's Illusion. Way to go, Ching!

Related Link: NBA

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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Now I update this more often

I did not want to update too frequently before because I liked the pictures. It was a static way of doing things and my mind I guess was in a static mode. This is not good. New things happen and I need to happen with them too. Cagayan de Oro is less than a memory to me. It exists only on the pages of this site. Words that spell Cagayan de Oro jump out but the meaning is less than clear. Would that I could just go to Cagayan de Oro anytime that I wished, to stay for a short time and leave just as abruptly.

pace, pacemaker, pacer, pachyderm, pacific, pacifier, pack, package, packer, packet, pact, pad, padded, padding, paddle, paddock, paddy, padre, paella, pagan, page, pageant, paid, pain, painless, paint, painter, painting, pair, paisley, pajamas, pakistan, pal, palace, palate, palawan, pale, palermo, palestine, palette, palisade, palladium, palm-springs, palm, palmetto, philippines

When I was in Cagayan de Oro I talked to Tony Linog and that meeting is always refreshing. Tony was the only one who was willing to help me with something that I needed done. Thanks Tony. You're a real pal. Maybe I will go back to Cagayan de Oro and talk to Tony again. Tony and Loloy de la Serna are good friends.

Our favorites are: Ching's World, Green Tea, Dumaguete, Cebu City, Cagayan de Oro City, Papoy, Moira Trinity Cagayan de Oro, Dumaguete, Cebu are all in the Philippines in the world of Ching.

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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Away from Cagayan de Oro

I had been away from Cagayan de Oro City for a long time which is just something that happens. I thought that I would be back soon every time that I leave. I had visited Loloy de la Serna at his home and I had breakfast there. Loloy gamay was frisky as ever. Time flies and you wonder there they all went. I do believe that something good is happening and I am pretty sure that it will be soon. It has to be. I have run out of time as the calendar has also. I remember this time last year, I had no prospects and nothing to look forward to except my own imagination. I had gone to Cagayan de Oro City to see my dreams and schemes fall apart. What I did have from that time was a few cuttings of green tea from Jessie who assured me that I would have a plantation of them if I so desired because they grow so profusely.

kabuki kabul kahuna kaiser kalamazoo kaleidoscope kali kama-sutra kampuchea kangaroo kansas kaohsiung karachi karaoke karate karma kashmir kathmandu kayak kazakhstan kennedy kent kentucky kenya key keystone khartoum kibbutz kilimanjaro kimchi kindergarten kinetic king-crab kingdom kings kiss kitchen kiwi knights knowledge korea ku klux klan kungfu

Those few cuttings kept me occupied while I dreamed again, this time, of tea, my dream of an empire of virtual real estate lay scattered as my wits were. I had no prospects and no hope with the prospect of having to find another place as my lease had run out.

Our favorites are: Ching's World, Green Tea, Dumaguete, Cebu City, Cagayan de Oro City, Papoy, Moira Trinity Cagayan de Oro, Dumaguete, Cebu are all in the Philippines in the world of Ching.

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Monday, October 08, 2007

He Enjoys A Good Song

Dr. Loloy de la Serna enjoys a good song. With Ating Pangan, Mike de la Serna and Ernie Linog, he used to sing at the now defunct Shakey's along Pabayo and Yacapin Sts. in Cagayan de Oro City. It is a pity that Shakey's closed after a very successful run of several years. They had the best crop of bands and singers in Cagayan de Oro and the place was always full even on weekdays. Talk about old times. Those were good times.

Refresh your memories of these sites: The Blog Park, Fear, Sex, Eating and Sleeping, Dreams, Making Money Online, Rails Brought Me To Seaside.

This was many years ago and the memory still allows a bit of satisfaction. There were good songs then. The Eagles had a string of hits at this time so did James Taylor. John Denver, although no particular favorite of mine also shone with some quite magical songs.

This is Ching's World, Cagayan de Oro City, Cebu City, Dumaguete, Papoy, Moira Trinity. There is a lot to be found in these pages. Come in and enjoy.

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Thursday, August 02, 2007

A Little Digression

I digress little and talk about the importance of a Directory Site such as Ching's World. While the World Wide Web is immense, huge, mind-boggling in its extent, one can take a little niche and stay there and still find plenty of materials to show. To be sure, the Philippines has hundreds if not thousands of websites dedicated to it still, one more website could not hurt I'm sure.

Taking baby steps, slowly building up, Ching's World is taking shape as it shows what is inside the Philippines from the eyes of one who has not left it. Currently, it has some pages on Cagayan de Oro, Dumaguete and Cebu. More pages will follow as other cities are added.

Black Razr